"For our postmodern minds it is hard to imagine tat for two thousand years, male and female bodies were not conceptualised in terms of differences. Medical texts from the ancient greeks until the late eighteenth century described male and female bodies as fundamentally similar. Women had even the same genitals as men, with one difference: 'Theirs are inside the body and not outside it.' In this approach, charcterisezed by Thomas Laqueur as the 'one-sex model', the female body was understood as a 'male turned inside herself' - not a different sex, but a lesser version of the male body." (Page 154)
"the essence of sex is not confined to a single organ but extends through more or less perceptible nuances, into every part." (page 154)
"Margaret Sanger, a women's rights activist and pointer for birth control in the united states of america believed that the most important threat to women's independance came from unwanted and unanticipated pregnancies. She advocated birth control as a basic precondition to the liberation of women." (page 157)
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