Monday, 6 February 2012

Martha Rosler

I love Martha Rosler's work, her photo-montages are more slick and appear a lot more like a digital composite in comparison to, for example the images created by Hannah Hoch. 
However the effective placement, combination and contrast of scale are still present in her work.
The images deal with more modern issues regarding society and war. She takes existing ideologies of the domestic roles of women and exploits the common associations of women in the home. The combination of powerful war imagery and cut outs from magazines creates a powerful display which encourages us to consider the world we live in and our roles within it. 
To me, her work speaks about volumes of a society that is numb to shockingly horrific tales and images of war and destruction. 
For me, thats potentially what makes her work so effective, it's like that sudden realisation that we live in a time where people are equally as concerned with the impact of war as they are with the repetitive adverts seen daily... War is so common place these days, to an extent we are immune to it's impact and we are increasingly distant from the emotional horror. Her work makes me reconsider the ways in which we process the information associated with worldwide struggle and certainly reinforces the reality of it.

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